The Best Part:
I got to teacher my first lesson and it went really well.  The kids were very responsive and it seemed like they understood the material.

The Worst Part:
I only went to one class this week.

Three Things I Learned:
    1. Ask students to participate in lessons
    2. Answer all questions
    3. Don't be nervous; it's not as bad as I thought it would be
The Best Part:
I got to explain the warm-up and the kids clapped for me after I was finished.

The Worst Part:
I didn’t use the board, so I felt kind of awkward.

Three Things I Learned:
  1. Use the board to explain things
  2. I got a seating chart to learn their names
  3. Who is struggling in the class
The Best Part:
Ms. Houchins introduced me to the class and made it clear that my name was Ms. Gallagher.  It felt good to have authority and a sense of professionalism

The Worst Part:
I was tired and not dressed professionally my first of the internship because of workshop.

Three Things I Learned:
  1. The names of students
  2. The organization process of Ms. Houchins
  3. Who are the problem kids/quiet kids